Welcome to Michelle Ann Yoga and massage 

What is Yoga? 


That's a good question and if you ask 100 yoga teachers and students they will probably give you 100 different answers.


I like to keep Yoga simple : for me it's a way of moving the body, the breath and the mind in harmony.  Finding stillness in a busy day , letting go of 'stuff' that's in your head or on your mind , and just allowing yourself time and space for you! 


Yes - we work though different Asana's (Sanskrit for poses) - but we do them in a way that's fun, playful , sometimes challenging but always safe- working with your unique body.  


We also use Pranayama (a fancy word for breath work) - to help us settle and still the mind and find space and a sense of openness in some of the poses. 


Mediation can also be included in yoga - This can be a really helpful tool both on and off the yoga mat.  Some people find the idea of medication quite intimidating so we start small and may use a form of meditation at the start or end of a practice just to help us arrive and settle, and try to move our mind away from any niggling thoughts / issues that are cropping up.