Beginners Course Frequently Asked Questions 


Q- Do I need any previous experience?

A- Previous experience isn’t necessary as we will be working through the course in a step by step way so you will learn at a pace which is comfortable to you.

Q- Do I need to be super flexible?

A- The structure of your body can affect flexibility, but yoga is for everyone. Yoga consists of many different postures; standing, sitting, lying and adaptations can be made to accommodate any physical limitations and with time and practice yoga may help your flexibility to improve.

Q- Do I need special equipment?

A- Just comfortable clothing that you can move and stretch freely in – if you have yoga blocks or a yoga belt these can be helpful but are not essential as can always make modifications to any poses.

Q- Is Yoga a religion?

A- Yoga itself is not a religion but there can be spiritual elements incorporated based on the ancient Indian/yoga philosophies. We will only touch on these briefly in the beginner’s course.

Q- What are the benefits of yoga?

A- Yoga brings together breathing and movement to help support the body and mind meet together in ease- yoga can have physical benefits (improved posture, flexibility, fitness , release of tension amongst others) and emotional health and wellbeing (increased confidence, reducing stress and anxiety through relaxation and movement)

Q- Can I eat before yoga?

A- As some of the poses require moving and stretching it is better to only eat a light meal prior to a full yoga class and leave at least an hour before practising.


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